Thank you for your interest in joining us in The Netherlands.
Whichever job you have applied for we want to make your move and the next steps in your career successful and smooth. The following is designed to give you both essential information and some extra details to Make sure you know everything you need to before travelling to join us
Applicant Information
This contains all the relevant information about your application and what you can expect during the process and when you arrive in The Netherlands, this is essential reading:
Other documents to help with the process of joining us and moving to Holland are in the links below. If anything is unclear please speak to your consultant before joining us so you know exactly what to expect and prepare for.
The first thing you'll do when you arrive is to come to our office, this will be your first experience of Dutch public transport, but don't worry we're easy to find.
Werk & IK
Here are a few extra details about what to expect or how to go about living in the Netherlands.